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Mar 21, 2020

You can't help but feel the undercurrents of the Lord moving in the midst of all this. A togetherness as we rally around one another. A movement to be aware and prepared. Questions stirring us to action. Reevaluating what is important in life. All of us fighting to enjoy each moment in the midst of things out of our control. Dependency is shifting into taking steps to be educated and empowered. It's like a pause and a reset. We get to move forward with perspective not previously available to us. a deeper trust in God who holds all things, a family unit knit together stronger than ever, a community connected deeper than before. 

I have never felt so grateful for my oil community, or so grateful that I have tools on my shelf that I know how to confidently use to protect my family and support their bodies.

Do you have that confidence? Are you empowered to reach for something in the middle of the night that you know will be effective? Or is there fear? Fear that you won't know what to do, fear that you are dependent on others? 

This community, this circle of women is the best thing you will ever become a part of. The wellness is amazing but the support, education, encouragement and genuine friendship you will receive will be life changing.

We would love to come along side you on your wellness journey!