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This Moment

Jan 11, 2020

My day always holds so many chores and to-dos. The last few weeks I have found myself thinking that I will just hurry up and get through whatever task I am working on and then I can enjoy the day. The problem with that thought? When you have 5 kids and a home to run and kids to homeschool and food to cook and places to drive and a job and a business and, and, and... the tasks never end. Lately,  I dread getting up in the morning knowing what is waiting for me. 



I took this picture in Costco just minutes after I remembered that these tasks are my life. I can't wait to have joy until after the task is done because then I will never have joy. I looked down at my sweet boy and told him how much I love going to Costco with him. He melted into my arms. This is the moment the Lord gave me. This moment in Costco. I need to be present. See my children. Draw them in. Talk to them. Tell them how much they are loved. While I do that, I might as well get some shopping at Costco done. 

What a shift. Joy.