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Loving your neighbor

May 17, 2020

Are you loving your neighbor?

So many questions I have been asking myself as more evidence of the effect of isolation is coming to light. 

Are they seen? Are they safe? What are their needs? What are their struggles? Their fears? 

There are far to many who are not seen, who are sick or hurt, unsafe or scared. Neighbors with tangible needs, burdens that need to be shared. Far to many isolated and without perspective. Children without a safe haven. Women without peace. A family without an income unable to feed their children. A neighbor without hope, about to end it all. One to frail or afraid to leave their home. There are marriages in trouble, families falling apart. People desperately lonely.

What if we checked? What if we knocked? What if we let them know they are not alone, they are seen, they are loved, there is hope. What if we reached out and shone bright for Jesus? A light in the swirling darkness. Human connection. A smile. A prayer. A gentle word full of hope and encouragement.

What if we truly loved our neighbor?

The power that isolation has over us would break, we could stop assuming the motives behind the choices others make. We would once again see each other as human and the need for connection would be remembered.  

How can we love our neighbor if we don't know them?

Let's shine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (from Galatians 5:22-23)